Thursday, 6 May 2010


Actors List
Anthony Killen - Richard (Murderer?)
Rebecca Williams - Girl 1 (Victim) / Ghost.
Rachel Waring - Girl 2.

Costumes List.
Anthony Killen - Dark clothing, casual clothing - 2 hoodies.
Rebecca Williams - Child-like clothing - colourful.
Rachel Waring - Casual clothing.

Locations List.
Spinney woods.
Spinney Close.
Deyes High School.
Glenn Park.

Production List.
2nd April 2010 - Filming - Storyboard (Rachel, Rebecca and Sophie)
6th April 2010 - Filming - Storyboard and spontaneous filming (Rachel, Rebecca, Anthony and Sophie)

Risk Assessment
As we filmed in a woods for some parts of our trailer we had to make sure that pathways were clear while doing running shots. Also, we filmed near a pond and had to position ourselves very close to the water to get the shot that was needed for the trailer, for this we made sure we had a steady, flat platform to stand on so that we or the camera didn't fall into the water. Furthermore, to get the range of high shots that we needed for our trailer we had to stand somewhat above what we wanted to film, we were unable to find a safe spot to film this so we had to adjust the location so that we were standing on a small hill filming the scene below, this made it saver and easier than finding platforms to stack up on top of one another.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, you have until 1pm tomorrow to do the following:

    Research and Planning:
    Another trailer analysis
    Risk Assessment
    Filming sheets

    Magazine Front Cover


    If they aren't done by tomorrow early afternoon they won't be marked and I will send off the marks as they are not what they should be.
